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Meet The Vogels!

Shulie and Rabbi Avremel Vogel moved down to UD at the start of the 2016 school year together with their little (at the time) son Zalman. The goal you ask? To bring their passion and excitement for Judaism into the UD Jewish community, creating a home-away-from-home for the 2,200 Jewish students at the school.

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is the 3rd and most gifted of the 8 children born to Mrs. Rochel & Rabbi Moishe Shur. She was born in sunny California and abruptly moved to the only place on earth more pleasant - yup, you guessed it... Montreal, QC. She attended the Beth Rivkah school for Girls in Montreal all throughout primary and high school and upon her completion, she opted for an additional year of seminary where she developed her teaching and communication skills for all ages. After graduation from seminary, Shulie took her talents to help Jewish communities build up their Hebrew Schools. From New Jersey to San Francisco, Shulie was on a mission to better the lives of every Jew she met. And then she met Rabbi Avremel…..

Rabbi Avremel

is the 4th and favorite of the 11 children born to Mrs. Oryah & Rabbi Chuni Vogel. He was born in Toronto, ON (don’t ask, it’s complicated) and raised in Wilmington, DE where his parents were the Chabad presence both in the Wilmington community as well as the UD Jewish student community at the time. Avremel and his siblings attended the Torah Academy school in Philadelphia, PA until eventually moving on to various prestigious schools around the globe. From New Jersey > Tzfat > Los Angeles > London > New Haven > Brooklyn > Toronto > Jerusalem…..let’s just say that most schools weren’t able to handle all his awesomeness for more than 2 years. [Editor’s Note: Thank G-d his wife has proved herself both willing and able to do just that.] Avremel received his Rabbinic ordination from the Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Israel and moved back to the states to assist a boys Yeshiva in New Haven, CT before deciding to make a man of himself --- and then he met Shulie….

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The "Fab 5"

Zalman (7), Menachem (5), Chaya (4), Zeesa (2) and Immanuel (just about 1) make up the Chabad mascot squad and are your biggest fans!

‘Z’ was born in good ol’ Brooklyn and has the sweet & soft demeanor to go with it.

‘M’ was born in cozy little Delaware and makes up for it with his boisterous personality and devilish grin.

Chaya is a princess -- and boy will she let you know it!

Zeesa views life as a game and she's definitely winning it.

Immanuel is our little teddy bear.


Chabad at the University of Delaware is your home-away-from-home at college. Everyone needs family in their lives - and when yours isn't around the corner....we are!


23 Indian Rd

Newark, DE 19711




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